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Frequently Asked Questions - SQL Server

Frequently Asked Questions - SQL Server Tables

Learn how to rename SQL Server tables, change the table owner, determine if a table has a primary key, change columns from NULL to NOT NULL and other table-related questions.

Frequently Asked Questions - SQL Server Data Types

Learn the differences between CHAR and VARCHAR, between NCHAR and NVARCHAR, between CHAR and NCHAR, between VARCHAR and NVARCHAR, between NUMERIC and DECIMAL, between FLOAT and REAL, between SMALLDATETIME and DATETIME, between SMALLMONEY and MONEY and between TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT and BIGINT data types an learn when to use each data type.

Frequently Asked Questions - SQL Server Dates (DateTime and SmallDateTime)

Learn how to add and subtracts days in a date, extract the time, day, month or year part of a DateTime column, get the difference in days between two dates, determine if it is a leap year, display the date in different date formats, and much, much more DateTime and SmallDateTime related questions

Frequently Asked Questions - SQL Server Views

Learn how to use UNION or UNION ALL in a view, create a view that combines the rows from two tables that have different number of columns and learn if an object is a view or a table.

Frequently Asked Questions - SELECT Statement

Learn how to identify duplicate rows in a table, return rows from one table that either exist or does not exist on another table, split a column containing a full name into a last name and a first name, and other SELECT related questions.

Frequently Asked Questions - SQL Server 2005

Frequently Asked Questions - INSERT Statement

Learn how to insert literal values (or constants) into a table or view, insert rows from one table into another table and insert rows from one table into another table combined with literal or constant values.

Frequently Asked Questions - SQL Server Error Messages

Learn how to resolve commonly encountered error messages such as division by zero or IDENTITY_INSERT-related errors.

Frequently Asked Questions - SQL Server Equivalent of Oracle Functions

Learn how to simulate Oracle functions into SQL Server such as the NVL, NVL2, INITCAP, LAST_DAY, CONCAT, DECODE, ADD_MONTHS, EXTRACT and MONTHS_BETWEEN.

Frequently Asked Questions - SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Frequently Asked Questions - VARCHAR(MAX), NVARCHAR(MAX), VARBINARY(MAX)

Learn what the maximum length that can be stored in a VARCHAR(MAX), NVARCHAR(MAX) and VARBINARY(MAX), see if you can declare local variables using these data types and learn why there can/cannot be a CHAR(MAX), NCHAR(MAX) and BINARY(MAX).